Sunday, 21 December 2014

Bee keeping

The knowledge of the biology of the bee is the key to the success of beekeeping. A colony of bees has three types of bees: two female castes (one queen and many workers), and a male bee called "drone". The queens are specialized females lay eggs to populate the colony and produce chemicals unifying to maintain a cohesive unit between the queen and workers in order to ensure survival. Often the queens live two years, but are more productive in its first year. The workers are females lacking developed reproductive organs. The workers build and maintain wax combs, feed and raise young bees after the queen lays eggs and guard the hive and queen. The older workers leave the hive and visit flowers to collect nectar and pollen resources to the diet of bees. This nectar is ripened by workers and become honey (which is used as an energy source). Pollen protein is used as necessary for the growth and development of the colony. The knowledge of the biology of the bee is the key to the success of beekeeping.

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