Sunday, 21 December 2014


Beekeeping is associated with a great responsibility to ecosystems and the environment: only one who has respect and admiration for nature will become a good beekeeper.Become a beekeeper does not require large investments, or possession of land, but requires a deep understanding of the biology of bees, management techniques of modern hives and major diseases among women. It is therefore recommended that an introductory course in beekeeping, which are taught all these things and where first contact with beekeeping is taken.
An introductory course should try at least some basic issues for the development of the activity:
  • Bee Biology
  • Morphology and social organization of the hive.
  • Apiary products and extraction of honey, pollen, jelly, propolis and wax.
  • Flora and artificial feeding
  • Diseases of bees and chemical and natural treatments.
  • Calendar of bee jobs
  • Reproduction, multiplication of hives and enjambración
  • Guidance and legislation beekeeping
With those basics you can start, being advised always start with a few hives. Six is ​​a good number, then start with many more carries risk. The experience is essential and the novice beekeeper new situations arise that must solve alone and in the field on many occasions. A couple of years experience at least allow to know the details of beekeeping and only then may decide between maintaining the activity as a hobby, or abandon professionalized.
Beekeeping is a healthy and relaxing activity when taken as a hobby, but it can also be dangerous and frustrating. The bites to which they are subjected beekeepers can wake venom allergy, having also been cases of dead beekeepers for bee stings. Therefore it is advisable to go to an allergist to determine if future beekeepers are allergic to bee poison before starting this activity.
The hive should be considered as a single living organism capable of regulating its temperature and indoor humidity, feeding and storing reserves as a great city whose inhabitants are bees defend both lower organisms (bacteria, fungi etc.) and larger animals ( mice, bee-eaters, alligators, bears, humans, etc.)
The beekeeper must provide that body is kept alive by adapting its volume to the needs of expansion and contraction that requires reducing the entrances in winter to keep out mice and enlarging them in summer to facilitate continual coming and going of bees, feeding if are left with few reserves, putting abrigándolas shade in summer and in winter, preventing the wood off the ground, trying to have water nearby in summer, etc. All these things and many more can only be learned through experience.
If after taking the introductory course in beekeeping is still with the decision to continue, look for a place to install hives honey has abundant flora. For this task can serve a family farm in the hill of a people, etc. Written permission of the individual or the entity that owns the land before taking the step to legalize the hives will be necessary.
In the case of Spain, the requirements for new beekeepers legalize their hives vary depending on the Autonomous Community where they are committed, and it is desirable that the beekeeper beekeeping know the applicable laws in the place where you will locate their hives. Usually, to start the activity must be obtained Beekeeper Registration Number. To do other documentation is necessary, as the NIF of the person requesting registration, the permission of the City for beekeeping in the municipality where the hives are located (or simply a certificate proving they are not opposed to the realization of the beekeeping in your municipality or particular parcel, provided that the requirements governing bee settlements of the Autonomous Community), justification of the ability to occupy land exploitation (written permission of attaching if necessary writing are met ownership or lease and landlord NIF), sketches apiary site (reflecting if the distances to centers of population necessary, highways, roads, apiaries, etc).
With all that documentation should go to the District Agricultural Office (Veterinary Services) and complete the Application for registration in the Official Gazette. Some autonomous communities also require veterinary report on the project apiary future. It is advisable to go to an association of beekeepers in the province, because they can carry that memory. Also very interesting take out insurance for theft and damage to third parties.
Once all these steps, the Provincial Delegation of Agriculture formalize the registration in the Official Gazette allocated exploit code.

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